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  • Welcome, Guest · RSS 22.01.2025, 07:25

    READ ABOUT IMPLANT UNIVERSES FIRST BEFORE READING THIS ONE (materials about Implant Universes are in preparation - admin)

    Dec 3, 1990 Prison, rev Feb 19, 1996

    It probably wouldn't kill you to just read this document carelessly, but it might make you feel uncomfortable or irritated for a few days  You also might get very annoyed at me because casually skimming through this will probably stir up things and by pass some mental charge without cleaning it up  The ideal action would be for you to run platen 1 on each goal first and come up with your own descriptions of what you think happened in each penalty universe  Then look at this list and see what I think was there  Then do some more runs with platen 1 and dig for section 2 ("This Means....") type items and see if you can get a better view of the real story  

    But some people probably read this anyway  So at a minimum, at least spot the native state item ("To >goal< is Native State") on each penalty universe and spot being pushed into it and pushing others in  Do this on each one right after you read the description  unfortunately, there is also another problem, which is that I'm sure that there are errors in this list and those may give you trouble or make you feel upset when you hit them   You'll just have to make due, either spotting that there was a mistake (which should cool things down a bit) or even correcting the error (if you're up to it) or just blowing off so much charge with platen 1 that you can sail through on a persistent FN despite the occasional flow  

    This contains some information on each penalty universe  

    The goal is given, followed by the terminal in parenthesis  Then there is some information about the environment of the penalty universe  Following this are a few key restimulators that were used later on the track including the location in incident 2 where they showed you a false mockup of the penalty universe  A similar mass implant had faces of the terminals in the pyramids (this was on a different copy of the original earth, which seemed to include more continents - on Atlantis and a Lemuria) and the locations for those are also given  There is also a price item and a survive item that were used in various later implants  Then there are a few notes about some of the symbols (especially Time etc) that were shown to you in section 2 of the implant  Note that these are only a few out of about a hundred or so  

    Then there is a brief sketch of what happens in the penalty universe  Everything here is heavily abbreviated  These are working notes rather then formal writing  I cannot guarantee that it is all correct  \cut\

    \uncut\  In general they all followed the same pattern of 7 wonderful things at the beginning and then things gradually going wrong and finally being chased around, captured, divided against yourself, and then set free only to discover that you can't survive anymore and ending up dying, trapped in the grave, and then being dragged off to hell  

    NOTE!  Images below are subjective examples, actual images may be quite or completely different

    5 words = 5 pictures ! (the implanting sequence pattern)

    PENALTY UNIVERSES LIST   (Full list incl negative goals >

    Dynamic_/dimension/ 16  - Creation

    1  To Create  - Statue

    Environment  - suns & planets & people of all types, you create them & abuse them & get zapped by the Suns (gods)

    Incident 2 location  - St. John, Canada, Pyramid  - Atlantis (inc 2 scene - God statue on a dolly being pushed up slopes of a volcano by a crowd) 

    Picture of St. John, Newfoundland, Canada

    >  The price of creation is to be blamed  

    >  To survive, succumb* is to depend on the worship of others

    *  - on the underlaying dichotomies  Survive:Succumb, Love:Hate, Good:Evil  read about the entry of this Uni-Verse /dimension/> 

    Time -- a planet circling a sun  

    Space  -- a vast plain full of cities & peoples  

    Energy  -- energy blast from space shatters a mountain (inc 2 reminder?)

    Mass  -- worlds in collision 

    God  -- giant sun

    Worship  -- people bowing before statue & putting on garlands etc  

    Pain  -- statue hit with energy, beam that makes cracks 

    Degraded  -- beam from sun divides statue making black cracks 

    Trouble  -- hooded priest (who can call on the sun gods)

    Details:  you are god in the form of a statue that floats around and puts out energy beams etc   At start the statue has a young, beautiful, radiant face, by the end it is the old man of R6  You are in a cluster of suns and planets  The suns are senior gods (who zap you in the end)  There are other lesser god statues (such as a Venus-like 2D)  The planets have lots of meat body people of endless different types (from other penalty universes)  You do 7 great deeds and the people worship you & build temples & replicas of your statue etc  But you get into problems and troubles and dramatize the wrath of god on the people and fight with the other statues and teach the planet people to build traps and get caught sometimes yourself and go on rampages etc  You even get somatics in your statue (and even from defilement of the statue copies) & become mean     


    2  To Cause  - Old Man God on Heavenly Throne

    The penalty universe was found very late in the research  Originally I had "To Mock p" as the second goal, (now number 3) and To Intensify as the 3rd goal (now number 3X - probably belongs in an upper or earlier series)  

    Environment  - heaven in the clouds with a golden throne etc  You look down at the world and play god etc

    Incident 2 location  - Rome, Pyramid location  - Atlantis

    Incident 2 scene  - God on a golden thrown falling from the sky down into a volcano  God on throne says:  

    >  The price of causation is to become an effect (of your own cause)

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the subservience of others (?)

    Time  -- Heavenly Clock (golden, sitting in clouds)

    Space  -- Celestial Palace (gold & crystal)

    Energy  -- a wave of golden light 

    Mass  -- the gold throne 

    You  -- god, like an old man on a throne

    Trouble  -- Devils (red demons with horns and tails)

    Details:  at the start, you perform 7 wonderful acts of creation (like the biblical 7 days)  You bring people etc into existence and send out cherubs to inspire them and angels to bring them into communion with you  Then the people turn out bad and troublesome, you create devils to put ethics in on them and force them to be good  But the devils decide that you are the most lawless being around and try to make you follow your own rules and and make you wrong etc  You smite the devils for this but they rebel & you cast them out but now things get really bad  You're unwilling to be the effect of your own cause and can't have being on the other side of what you do with the creations  You wouldn't follow your own rules  But you feel guilty about this and consider that it is basically unfair but you do it anyway and sink down tone  You go on rampages and destroy things and everything goes out of control and finally you can't bear to be god anymore and throw yourself into a volcano to die  But the devils drag your soul down to hell and torture you  


    3  To Mock Up  - Computer

    Environment  - a flat plane, you build a city & bodies for the spirit beings, then you do them in & get zapped by the vortex gods

    Incident 2 location  - Washington, DC,  Pyramid  - Lima, Peru

    Incident 2 scene  - people carrying broken pieces of a computer up slopes of a volcano to toss it in

    >  The price of creative thought is to be questioned

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the approval of others

    Details:  you are a large computer (many boxy cabinets) on an empty plane  There are vortex gods (whirling energies in the sky) who created spirits  The spirits come to you and ask you to mock up things  You perform 7 wonderful mockups (you postulate electron structures and laws and build solid things) including creating bodies of various types (human, doll, animal etc) and a city for them to live in etc  Sliding downscale, mockups become more & more complex  Eventually you loose control of your own creations (can't keep track anymore)  People ask you questions, especially reasons why, and you don't know anything except by your own creation so you invent answers and introduce false data and have problems etc  You begin to dislike the people and introduce wrong data to harm them etc & eventually things get wrecked etc  In the end the people curse you & pray to the vortex gods who then zap you etc


    4  To Intensify  - Energy Cloud

    This probably belongs in an earlier or higher series of penalty universes  It has a non-physical body type and strange multidimensional spaces etc

    Environment  - flat squares are planets with people sideways from your dimensions  You manipulate symbol shapes that affects the people in the squares  

    Incident 2 location  - Bermuda triangle?  Pyramid  - Canton, China, (Ohio?)

    >  The price of intervention is to be trapped in form

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on blindness of others (symbols?)

    Time  -- electron decay

    Space = Energy = Mass = You = energy cloud

    Sensation   -- 2 clouds intertwined

    Danger  -- a pole trap

    Confusion  -- pictures exploding

    Entrapment  -- an energy cage hanging in space

    Interest  -- symbols hanging in space  

    Trouble  -- ?

    Details:  symbols (figures, objects etc) hang in empty space and connect to (& are generated by) by inhabitants of the planes (which orbit around suns)  You and other energy clouds can affect the peoples on the planes by moving symbols closer or further away or adding & subtracting connections to the symbols or by making the symbols degrade  At the start you perform 7 wondrous enhancements for 7 of these plains by connecting them to marvelous symbols etc  But you slide downscale & commit overts on the people and play by messing them up etc and have trouble with other clouds and teach plane people to develop theta traps etc  You touch symbols and they explode, there are pole traps and boxes of exploding pictures and energy cages etc  Also, pieces of yourself get drawn into & stuck in the planes etc  In the end a vast statue (god) punishes you & divides you against yourself etc & eventually you are dispersed into pieces & placed in the symbol of a coffin & devil statues drag you out & push you sideways into a volcano on a plane


    4  To Imagine  - Cartoon Mouse

    Environment  - cartoon bodies trying to out create each other  You invalidate others mockups & make degradated mockups, tha giant mouse god (statue) zaps you, etc

    Incident 2 location  - Florida & Brazil (?),  Pyramid location  - West Lemuria

    >  The price of imagination is to create your own fears

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the illusions created by others

    Time  -- some sort of cartoon watch

    Details:  you are sort of big plastic mickey mouse (a cartoon like doll body)  The characters include mouse people and duck people & others (Disney like)  Everyone can generate illusions which become real if they can get others to believe in them  At start you do 7 wonderful illusions which others believe in and make real  Sinking downscale, you create harmful things which go out of control, others get bored with your mockups, you imagine degraded things to get interest, etc  Eventually your creations are too degraded but you can't stop Others are disgusted & shatter your illusions & haul you before the mouse god who divides you against yourself  Eventually your thrown into a spirit shredder & your pieces are put in a mausoleum  Cartoon devils drag your soul out & carry you to the illusion of a volcano but you can't stop believing in it and so are trapped by your own illusions


    Dynamic /dimension/ 15  - Knowledge, Understanding

    5  To Know  - 2 headed Dodo Bird

    Environment  - Dr Doolittle like tropical jungle & beach  Your double heads let you see the pictures hidden behind others backs  The other creatures are terminals of other penalty universes 

    Incident 2 location  - Southern tip of Argentina,  Pyramid  - North Lemuria

    >  The price of knowledge is terror

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the unknownness of others (or unknowingness of others)

    Time  -- sun swinging through a tropical sky

    Details:  you see the ghosts that others carry behind them (i.e. the cat woman "To Join" has ghosts of the kittens & robots & gods etc from the symbols of To Join etc)  At start, you perform 7 great deeds, aiding others through your perception (you heal & solve problems etc) & you gain admiration & respect  But your appearance is ridiculous & you don't want to be laughted at, so you maintain power over others by misusing your hidden knowledge & occasionally you make mistakes & misread pictures & harm others by accident  You see the evil that each carries around behind them & become terrified of others  You start actively suppressing others to reduce their ability to hurt you  The others discover this & chase & capture you before the totem gods etc


    6  To Understand  - Chipmunk

    Environment  - talking animals in forest

    Incident 2 location  - Bellows Falls, Vermont,  Pyramid  - Bermuda

    >  The price of understanding is grief

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the sympathy of others

    Time  -- sun over brook

    Danger  -- wolf

    Deceit  -- a two headed sheep

    Sly  -- fox

    Drink  -- penguin drinks from stream

    Confuse  -- one chipmunk talking to another

    Sensation  -- a female chipmunk

    Details:  the different animals all have different languages  You're the only one who can understand everybody  You perform 7 noble deeds involving translation including saving the chipmunks from predators etc  Then you translate things others don't want to hear & cause grief & get blamed  You understand problems but can't solve them  You misuse your abilities, alter messages for your own gain, start making mistakes, etc  Conflict breaks out  No matter how hard you explain, the wolf still eats the sheep  Understanding doesn't change the animals nature  You translate for the fox & get him trick people in exchange for his tricking a girl chipmunk for you that you want to seduce  The wise owl (god) discovers your treachery & divides you against yourself, etc


    7  To Absorb  - Greek Hero, mythology

    You absorb knowledge & the form of anyone you can hold with your enormous strength including the mortal manifestations of the gods  

    Incident 2 location  - mountain Olympus,  Pyramid  - N. Central Lemuria 

    >  The price of wisdom is to be despised

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the gratitude of others

    Time  -- a water clock

    Details:  (like a B rate Greek mythology movie)  The Gods are large & real & very prominent  They can appear as faces in the sky or can embody themselves in form on the ground  There are also lots of human like people (sort of wax like doll bodies)  At start you walk into a series of 7 clearings & wrestle with 7 things (giant snake, seductive woman, etc) & defeat them & absorb them  You can then become these forms at will  The gods are oppressing & abusing the people & you become the peoples champion & wrestle gods & gain the knowledge and capabilities of their mortal (i.e. lesser) form (but you can't become the faces in the sky or wield their upper powers)  You help people gain the knowledge of the gods but this only creates strife & resentment  They blame you for all their failings & the gods are angry with you  You begin impersonating gods among men &  trick people & gods & make trouble & everyone wants to do you in  In the end, you're captured & dragged before Zeus who divides you against yourself (the black bands prevents you from taking another forms) etc 


    8  To Learn  - Gnome

    Environment  - library/university, students include body types from other penalty universes (cat people etc)

    Incident 2 location  - Hidleberg,  Pyramid  - Boston

    >  The price of learning is confusion

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the respect of others

    Time  -- a clock on a wall

    Space  -- a library complex (view of central lawn from window)  

    Energy  -- book falling off library shell ?

    Mass  -- huge library shelves full of books

    Confusion  -- walrus person puzzling over a book

    Tired  -- gnome asleep over a book

    Sensation  -- Cat girl

    Companionship  -- lady gnome

    Stubborn  --  bear person

    Details:  data is in books and scrolls and data cubes  Only advanced students can handle data cubes because the data blasts in at you  You are a gnome (a shriveled little creature who wears glasses) & are an advanced student who also teaches (everyone but the dean statue & other god statues is also a student)  You are working to achieve total knowledge  At start you solve 7 complex problems for others with great success  You are liked & well respected  Later, you misdirect students to keep them from surpassing you, you sleep with students (female cat people etc) in exchange for altering grades  The contents of the books keep changing  Exams are done with electric shocks when you answer wrong  You steal forbidden data from the vaults  You start getting knocked out by the heavy data flow from the cubes & and made solid by too much data & hide this to keep from being expelled  The students find out about you misleading them & chase you through the halls  You are dragged before the dean & he divides you against yourself  After this you try to use a data cube but the flow jams on the black ridges (divided against yourself) & causes your brain to explode  They bury you in the basement  Later monk devils drag your soul out & toss it into the furnace which leads down to hell in an underground volcano  


    Dynamic /dimension/ 14  - Games

    9  To Exchange  - Spirit Broker-Wizard

    Environment  - a kingdom of munchkins & spirits, you trick people or do something for them in exchange for their & sell them for demons

    Incident 2 location  - Hong Kong,  Pyramid  - Catskills

    >  The price of wealth is enslavement

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the commitment of others

    Time  -- an hour glass with sand running down

    Details:  you are a spirit broker (looks like a sort of card shark/pawnbroker) in a land of rolling hills and cottages etc, a fairytail like mid-evil kingdom including a castle with a king etc  The people are munchkin-like  You can see spirits of dead munchkins toiling away but nobody seems very aware of this  There are also demons who others can't see  You are fantastically crafty and trick people into signing away their souls in blood in exchange for things and then you sell the contract to demons (the people will work for them after they die) who give you services in exchange  At the start you collect 7 souls and sell them to demons in exchange for 7 wondrous miracles (performed by the demons) which astound the people and make the king shower you with riches etc  Sliding downscale you try to do less for the people in exchange for their souls so as to keep more of the power for yourself and you have missed withholds about the true nature of the deal  The people get hints from the spirits who have died etc  You get bored with the village girls and start in on sex with succubi & other spirit forms  You get withholdy & arrogant  The spirits get tired of working & start protesting & trying to break their contracts and the demons get upset  You get in trouble with the king and start blasting people with energy weapons (wands) purchased from the demons etc  People trick you with false contracts signed with chicken blood etc  The demons drag you before the demon god (big devil statue) & he divides you against yourself  Eventually you die & imps drag you from the grave & toss you in a volcano under the castle & the spirits of munchkins & demons you cheated torture you forever


    10  To Play  - Chinese Children

    Environment  - houses on stilts over tidal flats  Only a very old few are adults  The games become deadly  Bodies nearly indestructible 

    Incident 2 location  - Shanghai,  Pyramid  - Santiago, Chili

    >  The price of joyful exuberance is perversion

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the games of others

    Time  -- shadows of sun moving over a village of houses and stilts

    Details:  you are a child in a mud village with houses on stilts  There are adults (old looking Chinese) but they are no bigger then the children  There is the impression that you will be a child forever & there are a few old people  the village floods whenever the tide comes in  you alternate playing in the mud with sailing around in a little boats depending on the tide  the bodies are nearly indestructible and might be some rubbery form of doll body rather than real meat bodies  At start it is all glorious fun, nothing bothers you, you're not cold or hungry or hurt by drowning etc  The games are very rough but you can't get hurt  You get trapped in an underwater cage during high tide & your only protest is that its dark & boring & you want to be out playing  Sliding downscale you hurt others emotionally & by inhibiting their playing  The games are often mean & viscous  Parents are rarely seen but their orders are to be obeyed but this interferes with playing so you deceive them & become missed withholdy Also monsters come in with the ties and sometimes they hurt someone or carry them off  Adults sometimes use you for sex, this is pleasurable but also strange & fearsome 7 a bit frustrating (no climax)  The games become more harmful & eventually a child dies  You hadn't known this could occur & are horrified & fascinated by it  Eventually you organize a terrible game with the monsters & perverted sex & entrapment & many die  So the others take you into the temple where the serpent god divides you against yourself as a punishment  Then you age but the adults find you loathsome & you can't play with the children anymore  You die & are burried in the mud  & later carried off to hell in an undersea volcano by snakes & tortured there by the children you killed etc


    11  To Compete  - Coatch, team leader

    Environment  - sports arena, human style doll bodies  A vicious cross between soccer, football & hockey with a steel ball  About 40 players per team (many teams in shifting alliances on each side) & attacks launched against repair dugout & coach's fort as part of game  Referee delivers implants

    Incident 2 location  - Toronto, Canada,  Pyramid  - Frankfurt  

    >  The price of competition is loosing

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the encouragement of others

    Time  -- digital clock on scoreboard

    Energy  -- steel ball smashing into grandstands

    Cheat  -- tripping an opponent

    Detestation  -- fan throws food at a player

    Admiration  -- cheering crowd

    Details:  you are a coach/team leader you instruct & plan the plays & are generally in a fenced off enclosure guarded by some of your players  (but opponents can storm the enclosure & attack you & you can venture out & play as needed)  Vast grandstands around you are filled with plastic spectators  In the game, you generally can't touch the last person to touch the ball or touch a goalie but you can beat up everyone else according to a fantastically complex set of rules  The bodies are very tough but can get smashed, especially by the steel ball  Players go off to the dugout for repairs, but everything is fair game  Players attack the dugout & coach enclosures & try to attack the referees (who are well protected) to distract them while rules are being broken etc  Players can die by being smashed to small pieces and broken beyond repair  At start the game is tremendously exhilarating - the sensations of play & motion are fantastic  You plan & execute 7 brilliant plays & are cheered etc  Sliding downscale, you carelessly let players get broken, find ways to cheat, have trouble with your own men & grow weaker  There are coatches on your side of the game & you start working against them  They try to demote you but you lead your players against one of the other coaches on your side & destroy his enclosure  The opponents gain strength & score goals as you fight your own side  Your own side grabs you & takes you to the referee who hits you with a beam that divides you against yourself (your shirt then shows black stripes which are ridges of black energy)  Now everyone ignores you during the plays and eventually you are trampled & your body is broken into tiny pieces  they call time out & burry the pieces in the sand of the arena with a flag planted over the grave  The flag has a Maltese cross on it to keep you in  Later, enraged fans drag your soul out & throw it into a volcano under the grandstands where the spirits of the fans & the players you betrayed throw things at you forever  

    Below is Maltese cross on the Coach grave in the play-arena


    12  To Manipulate  - Penguin Banker

    Environment  - a wall street like business district with fancy dressed two legged animal bodies  You are a Penguin in a fancy coat who owns a bank

    Incident 2 location  - Zurich, Switzerland,  Pyramid  - NE Greenland coast

    >  The price of wealth (profit?) is oppression

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the trust (confidence) of others

    Time  -- clock on the wall of a bank 

    Details:  at start you make 7 great business deals, taking over companies etc and outsmarting the other tycoons  Sliding downscale, you are irresponsible about the side effects of your deals and others get hurt  Homeless people (bears etc) get angry, picket, tear down businesses  You retaliate, call out police, etc  Also you incite riots against competitors  Eventually you are dragged into court & a god in the form of a computer sentences you & divides you against yourself  Your business connections dry up, your bank goes bankrupt & you kill yourself by jumping out of a window  The body is taken to a mausoleum  Eventually, devil bears rip your soul out & throw you into a volcano


    Dynamic_/dimension/ 13  - Change

    13  To Combine  - Siamese Twins

    Environment  - separating and combining of male & female to make 3 legged twin  

    Incident 2 location  - Rangoon,  Pyramid  - SE Atlantis  

    >  The price of harmony is self sacrifice

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the weakness of others

    Time  -- Siamese clock

    Space  -- city with twin buildings (like the world trade center)

    Energy  -- explosion in a laboratory

    Details:  the body type is a pair of Siamese twins which are born separately but must combine to form a complete body  The male has only one leg and and needs a crutch to walk as a singleton  Normally a male and a female combine  The male has the inner shoulder which plugs into a gap in the female and he provides the large heart etc  The female singleton has two legs but only a lesser secondary heart etc and can't exert herself  After merging, the skin grows together but can be separated by an operation and the partners changed  You change partners a few times in the incident and end up as a singleton  Sex occurs between 2 sets of twins  In the incident you are a sort of surgeon/chemist  At the start you make wonderful chemical combinations that produce marvelous results and you perform 7 brilliant operations that separate and recombine twins  Sliding downscale you make strange freakish combinations of people and animals etc  Also, you make combinations of more than two individuals etc  You take other, non-twin, races and combine them into twins  The lobster people object to this and try to make everyone into singletons  You get worse & worse partners, get blamed by people for riots & blamed for invasion of lobster people etc and are finally hunted down as a singleton and combined with a dead body (DED is DEserveD body - admin)  The incident ends with the usual after death sequences etc


    14  To Metamorphose (or To Shape or To Be Shaped)  - Clay People

    Body type  - Clay people  You are a body shaper, sort of an artistic masseuse, plastic surgeon equivalent who can reshape someone someone else's clay body and get it to hold new form (using a faint electric current?)

    Environment  - a sort of clay city, like hard earthware build in a monumental forms of slabs & blocks etc

    Incident 2 location  - Crete,  Pyramid  - island off Venezuela/Brazil

    >  The price of admiration is to conform (to others opinions)

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the malleability of others

    Time  -- clock on a big clay building (which looks like an upside-down pot)

    Space  -- clay city (pot buildings & cracks in earth giving off fumes etc)  

    Energy  -- volcano exploding

    Mass  -- land slide

    Trouble  -- fire people

    Home  -- big slab building

    Details:  at start you perform 7 wonderful shapingsof people giving them strength, beauty etc  You are highly admired & respected  Sliding downscale, you reshape someone you don't like, making them seem beautiful, but really concealing an ugliness in the form and hardening it while leaving the surface beauty unfixed so that it fades  Then you convince them that it is their true self showing though despite your best efforts  There are many overts & also mistakes  Your forms begin to unstabilize, bulges popping out etc  this is blamed on a disease plague & people loose control of their forms but its really your fault  Eventually you can't control your own form either  They chase & capture you & you're divided against yourself etc


    15  To Change  - Magician

    Body type  - Wizard (semi-human looking with wrinkled face etc - purple skin at 1st pass, then red skin ?, others have green skin etc, cartoon like colors) you can metamorphose into many forms

    Environment  - Arabian nights style (city of minarets etc)

    Incident 2 location  - Tunisia,  Pyramid  - Haiti, Dom Republic

    >  The price of power is insanity

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the perversions of others

    Time  -- shadow swings across the dome of a palace

    Space  -- Arabian style knight's city

    energy  -- a bolt from a wand

    Mass  -- city walls falling

    Trouble  -- genies

    Details:  at start you work 7 miracles by changing to various forms (by way of spells), including a winged horse, snake, mouse, gnome, etc  You gain great power and admiration  You battle over wizards and win  Sliding downscale, you you abuse & misuse power & are arrogant & begin regretting things  You make mistakes, loose battles against other wizards, trick people, etc  The people come to hate you  You object to the tax collectors and smash them & then smash the police & then have to smash the army & finally you destroy the palace  Because there is no money, the city services fail and there is a shortage of water & food  You abuse & sacrifice young girls etc  the citizens storm your estate Eventually everyone is against you (more about universe, dimension entry trap "To be the only one is to be superior/to succumb to all the others", hence "all are against you" is here > and you are hunted and captured and divided and killed and tossed in a volcano by snake demons etc


    16  To Bring Order  - Gorilla People

    This may be out of sequence  It would make more sense for it to fit under the 9th dynamic (Ethics)

    Environment  - village in the snow, getting others to change and align in group efforts  

    Incident 2 location  - St Petersburg, Russia,  Pyramid  - Bismarck, ND

    >  The price of order is obligation

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the xenophobia of others 

    Time  -- Sun/shadows on village in the snow

    Space  -- view of a snow covered mountain slope with gorilla people, moose's, etc in the distance

    Energy  -- Gorilla fights with moose (wrestlers with antlers)

    Mass  -- vast wall of snow about to fall

    Gods  -- a totem pole (the faces are alive)

    Crush  -- gorilla person under an avalanche 

    Injustice  -- individual sacrificed by group

    Details:  you solve 7 major problems by getting people to change & align with each other  The village is in a flood area (spring floods) so you get everyone to move etc  People are happy with the changes in general but there is an occasional objector who you overwhelm  Then your changes become more arbitrary or for personal gain & also you make mistakes  There are more protesters who you label as SPs & overwhelm but your justifications begin breaking down & you regret things but carry on anyway to make yourself right etc  You overwhelm by getting others to gang up on the dissenters & argue at them & push at them & beat them up  You see to it that people who try to stop you are murdered by your followers, but your followers also die due to your mistakes & greed  Eventually the people rebel & tear down the villages & hunt you through the forest etc


    I may have two goals collapsed together here  When I ran it, I got a mixture of snow and jungle pictures  Possibly the jungle stuff is gorillas with the goal to bring order and the snow scenes are with gorilla like abominable snowman and some other goal (To Align)  I also had some trouble with this one getting mixed up with the bear people (see first dynamic goal To Feel or To Experience)  

    Dynamic /dimension/ 12  - Reason

    17  To Reason  - Clown

    Environment  - big city, human like energy bodies which give off sparks (keystone cops etc)  You point out the irrationality of everyone's games  

    Incident 2 location  - Manhattan,  Pyramid  - Capetown, South Africa

    >  The price of logic is to entrap yourself

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the stupidity of others

    Time  -- building (like empire state bldg) with big wristwatch style clock on it

    Space  -- the city at dusk

    Turmoil  -- keystone cops chasing around

    Sensation  -- woman in lingerie (this is street dress)

    Companionship  -- woman in checkered apron

    Sex -- exchanging energy sparks (note that these are doll bodies with the clothes build into the body) 

    Details:  you are absurdly logical and a cosmic character so that the people will love you despite you being far more intelligent than they are  You handle 7 difficult problems, solving them with brilliant logic  you use logic to talk people into giving you money, sex, etc  Eventually this catches up with you and the people turn your own logic against you so that you become a tragic figure who must trap and destroy himself according to his own rules  But you rebel and deny your own logic and they hunt you down etc  You are hauled before the energy god who is a cracking cloud in a power plant and he divides you against yourself, etc


    18  To Orient  - Wire Man

    The body is made of thick wires which you can bend around etc  There is a shoulder plate and a genital box (with a sort of electric plug)  

    Environment  - building a complex cagelike structure in space  In the end you get it wrong & it collapses

    Incident 2 location  - polar orbit,  Pyramid  - Antarctica 

    >  The price of orientation is to be stuck

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on on the confidence of others

    Time  -- sun\light\shadow moving across a structure in orbit

    Details:  at start you are a brilliant genius who can see how to align the wires in the structure for maximum efficiency  The space structure tunes to basic energy in the universe and adding more with better alignment increases the flow and brings great wealth  The crowds cheer you, the priests honor you etc  But your constructions become very complex  You make mistakes and the wire bodies are shaken by painful bad vibrations etc  Eventually your hauled before god who is a statue of a man and divided  Eventually your broken parts are placed in a metal box with a cross on it to keep you in etc


    19  To Guide  - Pilot

    Environment  - 1930s barnstorming plus continents in the sky (a la Charles Fort) & guiding Zeppelins to them  In the end you betray everyone & get zapped by a god statue

    Incident 2 location  - Indianapolis,  Pyramid  - Lemuria

    >  Guiding zeppelins between continents in sky <


    >  The price of success is to be despised

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the good will of others

    Time  -- dusk on prairie 

    Space  -- flying in clouds

    Impact  -- plane crash

    Guide  -- plane (WW1 style) leading a zeppelin through the clouds

    Details:  you fly a small barnstorming type plane with fantastic skill & daring guiding zepellins through the endless clouds to carry goods between different cities & continents in the sky  The worlds are flatlands tumbling around in a space filled with atmosphere  The plane is actually very powerful & long range & only looks primitive because of the double wings & open cockpit  The continents shift around & visibility is poor so the freight & passenger carrying zeppelins need guides  Early on the pilot can levitate somewhat (jumps out of plane without a shoot etc) but later he has trouble with this  He wears goggles which gives him a partial ability to see through the clouds  At start you guide 7 great convoys between flatworlds  Everyone admires you, businessmen pay you large sums, crowds roar at airshows & you take your pick of girls  Then you demand too much money, get married & cheat on wife, act arrogant & put others down, get drunk & loose a zepellin in the sky, crash a few planes, gets lost & disoriented, starts falling & getting hurt, develops dizziness etc  The townspeople get angry, wife leaves him, businessmen sue him, etc  Eventually he takes a young girl up in a plane, looses control, she dies, he falls badly  So townspeople capture him, & take him into a cathedral where god divides him against himself  Then he tries to fly but crashes etc  everyone avoids him  Finally dies in a plane crash & they bury him in a cemetery with a cross over the grave to keep him inside  Then winged devils tear his soul out of the ground & carry him to a flat earth volcano & throw him in where he is tortured forever by all the people (businessmen, woman, etc) that he betrayed


    20  To Compute  - Toy Bodies

    Environment  - logic maze constructed of toys, you take a new toy body and off the rack every time you judge wrong & get smashed  God is a giant toy Santa who zaps you for cheating & hurting other players 

    Incident 2 location  -North Pole,  Pyramid  - Perth, Australia

    >  The price of intelligence is self destruction

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the answers of others

    Time  -- a toy clock

    Trouble  -- a rolly polly clown 

    Details:  at start you solve 7 difficult problems  You are super bright and pleased with yourself  You help others  You work your way deeply into the maze  Occasionally you loose a body, but not often  You have sex with girl toys etc  You zap troublesome toys with energy  Sliding downscale, you lose more bodies, get worried that you'll never solve the maze, trick others into trying things before you do so you wouldn't lose a body (and have to resume from the starting point)  You get worried about others beating you, so you give out wrong answers, fix puzzles so that that the answer is different and the people behind you get broken, etc  You also find that the answers are changing around and you can't get into the maze as deeply as you used to  You feel its unfair, and are worried about running out of bodies etc, so you organize nots  Eventually you're divided against yourself by a toy Santa who is god  Your last few bodies now have black lines in them  You keep trying to start the maze again and getting broken until the last body is lost  Others collect the pieces and store them under a machine with rotating crosses that keeps you in there until devils drag you off to hell in a volcano that is under the aerial roadways that connect the machines in the central part of the maze


    Dynamic_/dimension/  11  - Construction

    21  To Construct  - Beavers

    You build dams and traps for capturing and enslaving fish & skunk & squirrel people etc eventually you trap your friends because they're scornful and you let the dam break  

    Incident 2 location  - Bangor, Maine,  Pyramid  - Perth, Australia 

    >  The price of industriousness is enslavement

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the labour of others

    Details:  you are a beaver person with big teeth, fur, unusual hip joints (you can sit crouched for hours), arms, hands, tail, and wearing clothes (a vest)  You have orgies in the mud  Squirrel people act as slave labourer, skunk people work as maids etc  You undertake 7 large construction projects, managing the building of dams and traps and extending the village out on planks (like a dock) over the water  Your traps catch other people who you enslave and put to work  Then you begin building traps for beaver people too  The people rebel etc  Eventually the god of the lake rises up and divides you against yourself, etc


    22  To Arrange  - Blockhead

    The goal To Engineer (below) may belong in a higher goals series  Or possibly To Build (#23) may be the incorrect one  Or may be this goal (To Arrange) which was located late in the research is the incorrect one  None of these three were run throughly and one of them is probably some sort of guiding spirit behind a constructive civilization rather than an embodied individual in that civilization  The guiding spirit type of body would go with a higher goal series


    22X  To Engineer  - Lobster People  

    Environment  - underwater city

    Incident 2 location  - S. Africa (lake),  Pyramid  - Ghana, Africa

    Time  -- mechanical clock with exposed gears

    Space  --  an undersea domed city and seabed  

    Energy  -- giant machines (pumps with big swing booms, churning water & turmoil on sea bottom)

    Mass  -- underwater avalanche

    Details:  you a lobster person, (walks upright, big claw arms and big manipulative arms - 2 pairs - at sides)  You are a brilliant engineering genius who designs 7 marvelous projects including pyramids, a core trap, etc   But you alter designs for your own profit, things collapse, and people die  Power sources fail due to your misengineering, and riots starts etc  They find out it is your fault and hunt you down  


    23  To Build  - Snake People

    Environment  - a space city similar to Arslycus which get too big  Enslaves other races  

    Incident 2 location  - in orbit & Alaska,  Pyramid  - Bangkok

    >  The price of havingness is enslavement

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the compulsions of others

    Time  -- sun in orbit

    Space  -- space city (sun orbits the city)

    Crash  -- aircar smashes into building

    Crush  -- snake person under collapsing roadway

    Details:  there is tremendous exhilaration at a fantastically complex and beautiful construction  You undertake 7 projects to expand the city  You hurt slaves in the process, but its for the greater good  Then you have problems with construction errors, riots, etc  Eventually the part your building gets too big and falls apart and the enraged citizens chase you through the sky 


    24  To  Structure  - Crystals

    Levitating gems getting salts from water & energy from sunlight  They can put out energy beams etc

    Environment  - a crystal city hanging in the air over a lake, mostly aerial roads with an occasional structure etc

    Incident 2 location  - Great Salt Lake,  Pyramid  - Versalis, France

    >  The price of alignment is to be held in place (located)

    >  To survive,succumb is to depend on the form of others

    Time  -- pulsing crystal

    Energy  -- flow blasts out from a crystal

    Shattering  -- crystal breaking apart

    Sex  -- sides in contact between crystals, rubbing with crackling energy 

    Details:  you undertake 7 vast projects extending city further into the sky etc  You are highly admired  Sliding downscale, you make mistakes, begin stealing light from others etc  The poor must float up above the city to get their daily energy because they live deep in shadows but often lack the energy to do so (because it takes energy to climb high) and fall (breaking apart and dying)  You help the rich build bigger and higher levels and that makes it worse for the poor  Eventually society fails and the city falls  Mobs chase you etc


    Dynamic_/dimension/  10  - Aesthetics

    25  To Invent  - Munchkin's

    You are an inventor, sort of like a little old toy maker or shoemaker


    Environment  - like an old bavarian city  You invent wondrous devices & then suppressive things

    Incident 2 location  - Bavaria,  Pyramid  - Poconos in Pennsylvania


    >  The price of ingenuity is entrapment

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on aesthetic appreciation of others

    Time  -- Mechanical Clock

    Space  -- large cluttered workshop

    Details:  at start, you invent 7 wondrous things including a fancy town clock  These are very aesthetic  They work not so much by logic but because they are so wondrous to behold that they gain instant agreement  Then your greed & lust & praide cause you to maintain your position by building terrible but aesthetic devices to gain things  Also building weapons of war & enslavement (|for use against the insect people) & control which are then turned against the population  You invent things like devices which inspire lust in women etc  Eventually the mobs chase you etc


    26  To Enhance  - Ghost People

    You are a female ghost in a sort of spirit body 

    Environment  - spirit world and an 1890s style city of human and cat people where you enhance their view of things  There is also a ghostly city where you live that partially intersects the real city  

    Incident 2 location  - Copenhagen,  Pyramid  - Buenos Aires

    >  The price of improvement is condemnation

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the illusions of others

    Companionship  -- a male ghost

    Sensation  -- a living male cat person

    Details:  you go around enhancing living peoples view of things  You do 7 good deeds by enhancing  You make the guys see girls as more beautiful etc  Without enhancement, the city looks drab, like ashes, but you make it appear beautiful to the living  You receive praise and offerings  You visit living men in the night for sex and take a drop of blood as an offering  This makes you more real and stronger than other ghosts who look up to you etc  But you can never forget that its all ugly under the surface and you are fooling people  They get in trouble because you make things seem better than than they are and lead them into mistakes  You become mischievous and trick people and haunt them and demand sacrifices  You do heavy sexual blanketing which harms people  The priests try exorcise you etc  Eventually you're captured and hauled into a church where god on the cross divides you against yourself etc


    27  To Inspire  - Musses

    You bring inspiration in dreams but eventually you steal others ideas  

    Incident 2 location  - Florence, Italy,  Pyramid  - Ethiopia

    >  The price of new ideas is to be scorned

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the dullness of others

    Time  -- sundial

    Disaster  -- Earthquake

    You  -- girl in robe

    Sensation  -- another girl

    Details:  you are sort of astra(e)l body (female), but the knights have flaming swords which radiate heavenly energy that can cut on astra(e)l plane as well as the physical  At the start you bring 7 wonderful inspirations & the people and the dream master praise you  But then you start inspiring people crimes, degradation, etc  Also, you run out of inspiring ideas so you start stealing ideas from other muses  Eventually you start bringing nightmares etc  When you're thrown into the volcano at the end, you can't escape because you have no inspiration (ideas) 


    28  To Beautify  - Faire Godmother, Faire Queen

    Environment  - storybook land, you make everything beautiful & ten kill all the people to keep it that way  

    Incident 2 location  - Babylon,  Pyramid  - Orlando, Fla

    >  The price of beauty is suffering (sadness)

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the good taste of others

    Time  -- sun swings over storybook land

    Details:  you float around and can wave your wand and make things beautiful  You perform 7 wondrous deeds such as making a poor girl beautiful so she can meet the prince (like Cinderella) etc  You make the countryside and cottages and castles beautiful etc  But you see everyone messing up the environment and doing ugly things such as eating each other etc  The Cinderella like girl gets the dress and coach messed up having sex, so you give her a poisoned apple (like sleeping beauty, but no happy ending)  The children are starving so they eat the gingerbread houses so you throw them into a furnace (like Hansel & Gretel) etc  Eventually you get items like "To Beautify is to ignore suffering" etc  You depopulate the countryside and become a horror to everyone, so they summon witches and devils to use against you and there's the usual business of being captured and divided etc  Eventually you're dead and buried under a magic circle which keeps you in the ground until witches on broomsticks drag you off to hell in a volcano

      > Fairy Queen example <


    Dynamics_/dimension/ 9  - Ethics

    29  To Purify  - Fire People

    You see the impurities in the flames of others, find criminals and toss them into a volcano etc  

    Incident 2 location  - Lima, Peru,  Pyramid  - Pompey, Italy

    >  The price of purity is the loss of self-determinism (individuality?)

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the bigotry (sins?) of others

    Time  -- sun swings over the fire city (clay slabs and billowing fire and balls of fire)

    Details:  at the start you find 7 criminals by seeing the impurities in their flames and capture them and toss them in the volcano  The people cheer you for saving them  Gradually it becomes like the inquisition, with you searching out people with impure thoughts etc  And the you start tossing in good people as well for personal gain and you also make mistakes and toss in the wrong people etc  Then the usual business of captured and divided etc


    30  To Arbitrate  - Bull People, Minotaur

    Correct goal may be "To Judge"  - to be investigated

    You solve disputes in a Greek style city with other races as slaves  

    Incident 2 location  - Crete,  Pyramid  - Buenos Aires

    >  The price of compromise is universal misery

    >  To survive, succumb is to depend on the obligations of others

    Time  -- sundial in plaza

    Details:  you solve 7 great disputes including one between the king and the workers  You do this by talking to them and shifting their viewpoints until they come into agreement  You are greatly praised and rewarded  But you see that bringing people into agreement and getting them to compromise creates harm  You get the workers to compromise on a point of safety and then a building under construction collapses on them  You get the girls to compromise on being ravished by the bulls etc  Eventually everyone looses by compromising too much and they blame you etc


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